京都市美術館90周年記念展「村上隆 もののけ 京都」開催にあたり 「COLLECTIBLE TRADING CARD」をはじめとする限定アイテムを 京都市ふるさと納税返礼品としてリリース


2024年2月3日から、国内では8年ぶり、東京以外では初めての大規模開催となる村上隆の個展「村上隆 もののけ 京都」を、京都市京セラ美術館で開催いたします。
本個展の開催と京都市美術館開館90周年を記念し、ふるさと納税限定の「COLLECTIBLE TRADING CARD」をリリースいたします。
また、「COLLECTIBLE TRADING CARD」だけでなく、プランによっては彫刻作品が返礼品として付いてくるなど、ふるさと納税と芸術支援の新しいかたちを試みる革新的な取り組みとなっています。ぜひ、ご注目ください。





2023年12月7日 13:00~以下のサイトより納税が可能になります
・ふるさとチョイス ・さとふる ・JRE MALL ふるさと納税
・楽天ふるさと納税 ・ANAのふるさと納税 ・au PAY ふるさと納税
・ふるなび ・G-Callふるさと納税 ・セゾンのふるさと納税


ステッカー(② 50,000円プラン)


お花の親子の彫刻 Bronze Paintina 2,500mm
(⑪ 1,000,000,000 円プラン)


On the occasion of the Kyoto City Museum of Art’s 90th anniversary exhibition, “Takashi Murakami: Mononoke Kyoto”, Collectible Trading Cards and other exclusive items will be released as Kyoto City Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) return gifts

On February 3, 2024, “Takashi Murakami: Mononoke Kyoto”, Takashi Murakami’s first large-scale solo exhibition in Japan in eight years and the first outside of Tokyo, will open at the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art.
To commemorate this exhibition and the 90th anniversary of the Kyoto City Museum of Art, we will release Collectible Trading Cards exclusively available as a return gift for Furusato Nozei.
In addition to the Collectible Trading Cards, some giving plans come with artworks such as a sculpture as a return gift, making this an utterly innovative initiative for a new form of support for the arts through Furusato Nozei. It is a noteworthy trial.

About the Furusato-Nozei-exclusive Collectible Trading Cards

Among Murakami’s recent activities, his NFT (Non-Functional Token) project has attracted a lot of attention. In Murakami.Flowers, Murakami’s first fully realized NFT artwork, his signature Flower characters were expressed utilizing 24 x 24 pixel dots, in the form of dot art reminiscent of Japanese video games of the 1970s. The Collectible Trading Cards, which are now available as an exclusive Furusato Nozei return gift, represents the next phase in the project’s development.
There are 12 types of cards in total, with three cards in each pack. The rarity varies depending on the type, and there are also a limited number of cards treated with a special printing process.
These cards constitute a select special edition of the 108+ trading cards (produced and sold by Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd.) that will be released in 2024 under the same name—the colors of the backing paper, printing method, among other things, are different from the version for the general release—so this is your only chance to get your hands on them.
There is no knowing which card will appear until you open the pack. Please enjoy it like the lottery.

List of Participating Websites

Furusato Nozei tax for this exhibition can be paid through the following sites starting 1 pm on December 7, 2023
・Furusato Choice ・Satofull ・JRE MALL Furusato Nozei
・Rakuten Furusato Nozei ・ANA Furusato Nozei ・au PAY Furusato Nozei
・Furunavi ・G-Call Furusato Nozei ・SEISON Furusato Nozei
*For plans over JPY100,000,000, tax payments can only be made through Furusato Choice.

Examples of Return Gifts (partial)

Stickers (Plan ② JPY500,000)

Signed edition prints of Wind God and Thunder God (Plan ⑥ JPY1,000,000)

Flower Parent & Child sculpture, bronze Paintina, 2,500mm
(Plan ⑪ JPY1,000,000,000)

*The images are for illustrative purposes only.
They may differ from the actual items/works.